
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Life Drawing

Classes that have to be taken

If you are not a fan of life drawing then I don't think animation is the right course for you. In animation, life drawing is compulsory and believe it or not you learn a hell of a lot from it. I am not too great at it myself but I can see a clear improvement from a year ago to my life drawings now.
Unfortunately I don't have any photos from the life drawings I dad a year ago but I do have photos of the one from over this year that I can show you.

My tutor always gets models who do an array of stances, some can be quite difficult to draw and you are not sure where to start but he says always find where the main movements and curve in the body is first as it will make it easier to draw. You also practice you speed with doing one or two minute drawings or sometimes you will have 20 minutes to draw in a little more detail.

Here are a few of my life drawings from over the year.

These two were to display the movements the model was making as I was drawing him.

You can see that I drew in the lines for the main movement and curve in the body that the model was making.

I took a little longer on these drawings. The time range was between 15-30 minutes. I used coloured pencils, charcoal and graphite pencils.

I must admit that I have noticed that I need to pick up my speed when drawings and life drawing where your drawing is timed has made me realise that. It is a skill that I need to work on especially with going into the animation field. Hopefully I will be able to improve my speed and become a better animator because of it and see improvement once again in a years time. 

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