
Monday 6 October 2014

Snoreeze Brief 2- Advert Ideas

For the second week of the Snoreeze project I was given a brief to come up with ideas for the Snoreeze advert and a few sketches to expand on the ideas.

From the details I was given I have based my ideas around the guidelines I was given. The advert was to  include a couple and focus mainly on the positives such as how the product helps rather than the negatives. It is to be advertised for the older audience who work and possibly have a family. Animals are not wanted as main characters but can be featured as the concept of counting sheep is known worldwide and is a concept that the company likes.


  • There is a woman asleep lying in bed having a dream of counting sheep. One of the sheep whilst jumping over a fence turns into a lion that roars and wakes her up. She turns over to find her partner snoring and realised his snoring influenced her dream. She reaches over to the bedside table. opens the draw and takes out a pack of Snoreeze nasal strips, opens the packet and places one on her partners nose. She then puts the pack back and lies back in bed with a smile on her face and shuts her eyes as Snoreeze starts working instantly.

  • A woman is lay in bed with her arms crossed having to wear industrial ear plugs/protection because her partner is snoring so loud. The moon is visible through the window and sprouts an arm and reaches down to hand her some Snoreeze nasal strips so that the couple can sleep peacefully then returns back up to the sky and turns into the Snoreeze moon logo and Zzzzz start to come from both of them to show they are both able to asleep.

  • First half of the advert is dull and blue showing the partner feeling down as they are unable to sleep at night, then it moves onto the person purchasing the product in a shop, going home and giving the product to their partner to try. After a good nights sleep the advert turns bright and colourful with both characters smiling as they wake up in the morning.

  • The character is shown getting out of bed looking very tired and angry whilst their partner is still asleep. She is falling asleep in various places, at work, on the bus because she is not getting her 8 hours of sleep. She is at her desk at work half asleep and someone hands her a Snoreeze product to test on her partner. She tries it at then the couple are shown sleeping like babies (babies in huge pyjamas) .

  • A woman sticks her partner in a sleeping bag and moves him to a different room then he wakes up realising he is no longer in bed. His child enters the room and hands him one of the products. He uses it and sneaks back to bed. 

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