Three TV Series Ideas
Idea one
Jared the fox is very intrigued by humans, how they act and what they get up to during their normal every day lives. He enjoys spying on them in their homes. He is not accepted by his family due to his human obsession but he happens to find a group of animals who shares similar human related hobbies. He joins forces with an evil Bat scientists who enjoys experimenting on the humans and seeing how their brains work. Together they manage to get themselves in all sorts of trouble.
I had this idea when I was doing my woodlands project but had to keep it child friendly so this time I wanted to make it darker and aimed more towards an adult target audience as I think a lot more can be done with the idea if it is for adults rather than children. Crossing boundaries and making my Fox more into a peeping tom rather than just being inquisitive about humans as well as adding my mad bat scientist that has a strange fixation on humans but is more interested in how they work and their body parts rather than just looking at them.
You will find the research for this idea on a different blog post but here are a few character designs.

Crazy bat scientist

Crazy bat scientist
Idea Two
There is a rat that sails around the world from country to country to try and find the best tasting cheese for his ship parties. He meets many new people from different cultures and origins on his travels and they show him how they live their day to day lives and lead him to where the best cheese is kept.
I see this idea aimed more towards young children around 5-10 years old and it can be educational to make them aware of where different countries are, religious beliefs in different countries as well as how other people live.
I tried to look into if there were any animated movies with rats as pirates in them but I really could not find much at all.
As the rat character will be sailing the world I decided he should do it on a pirate ship as this would make it a bit more fun for the children to watch. I looked into different ship shapes and styles.
I prefer the colours of the darker toned ships that the lighter ones and like the shape of the second to last ship as I think it would be perfect for a single rat and is quite cute.
I decided to have a look into different pirate uniforms that I could make my character wear so that it was not just a plain old boring rat.
I like the idea of my character wearing a little hat, I might also have him in boots with a little blazer and pants. I will see after a few designs.
Here are a few sketches of how the rat might look.
Idea Three
On the planet Sibana a creature called Saytek is abandoned by his species and has no memory of who he is or where he is. His mind has been controlled by an alien tree being called Ruby who only cares about herself and what she wants. she crash landed on his planet and warped his mind as she did not want to be alone. He now must face a hard choice, going on a quest to find more of his kind or stick with the one being that he remembers. Will he ever find more of his kind?
This TV show could be aimed at any target audience but would be best suited for children aged 8 years upwards.

Chosen Idea Development
Research for character development
To expand on my chosen idea for my tv series I decided to look into different drawing styles. I wanted to change my characters to make them a bit more creepy looking or at least make them have creepy facial expressions.
On this image the eyes seem small and beady, almost sceptical of everything going on around him.
Not as creepy but a nice style, kind of sketchy and cute.
I found this style very simplistic and adorable.
Yet again another adorable sketch swaying away from what I was intending to look at but I do like this style.
This fox almost does not look like a fox at all, unique style to it.
Even though this is not a drawing it still has a creepy aura to it which is what I was looking for.
This is very creepy but funny at the same time which is what I would like to achieve in my adult animated series. Very nice sketchy style and dull colours to suit the atmosphere.
I love the colours used in this image. Bright yet dark at the same time.
This image is not so much creepy but more disturbing at the state of the foxes health and body image.
I very much like this style with the shape of the eyes. I could play around with turning a normal image of a fox and possibly add creepy expressions?
Professor Batrix
Character designs
After choosing what I wanted Jared to look like I had to practice facial expressions as I am not fantastic at them let alone applying them to a fox character. I have a long way to go and a lot to learn about what works with characters and what doesn't.
I ended up choosing a smart, geeky look for him and started working on his facial expressions.
Also how he might look with certain clothes on. I want him to have a lab coat.
Character designs neatened up in Photoshop for book
I decided to do Professor Batrix in greys and browns with a little lab coat as his uniform. I added glasses as Bats usually can not see well at all and thought it would be a nice touch.
I made a list of characters that end up being his victims for his evil experiments. For these characters I looked up different animations and the styles. I looked into the animation of Hercules for the body shapes.
I changed Jared slightly to make him look a bit more like a fox in the face and added some scary and sweet facial expressions.
I rushed my backgrounds a lot and did not spend the time on them that I should have so unfortunately they are very basic.
Episode synopsis for TV Series
After completing the episode ideas I worked on merchandise and how I might sell items with my characters or props on them.
As well as a sample script breakdown and budget breakdown.